Who we are?

Nepalese Nursing Association UK is a charity organisation based in UK, which works for the betterment of migrant Nepalese nurses in the UK and towards the integration of migrant communities in the UK through health equalities initiatives. We also work for betterment of health standards in Nepal through our partner organisations there.

Read about us from Ajita Simkhada

Founder President Message

Nursing is one of the most beautiful and empathic professions. Every nurse touches the hearts of those they meet and service.

Since my heart merged into the Nursing profession and I started working as a qualified nurse, I have always thought about uplifting this profession. Nurses have an array of knowledge and skills in medical fields but I noticed that they were undervalued when I was appointed to work in various hospitals in Nepal, and this haunted and plagued my mind so often

President Message

It’s indeed a great honour and privilege to serve NNAUK as a president. I can’t praise highly enough the past/present executive members and general/life members for their dedication, skill, commitment and kindness. I would like to formally thank all the NNAUK members, Nepali nurses and their families alike who have supported the community throughout the COVID pandemic.